*Sent in by Nanas Fan " Ursula" This was posted on thier wall: Everybody, LISTEN UP!! In exactly one week (7/13) Smarty Had A Party will be giving all of our fans the chance to win a TOP SECRET Smarty product!! Stay tuned for more details and HINTS!! (And you never know when we will pop up with some surprises along the way!)
I sugest you head on over and like "Smarty Had A Party Face Book Page" today, let them know Nanas Deals sent you to be ready so you dont miss out. I will update you all when I see/hear of new news to this !
About Smarty Had A Party :
Nana :)
Company Overview | Smarty Had A Party has emerged as America's coolest and most beloved online party store, specializing in exquisite elegant disposable dinnerware (yes, you heard right: elegant AND disposable!), offering an attractive alternative for classy parties, weddings, holidays and upscale events, at a substantial cost-savings over rentals. Although these dishes are sturdy, rigid and fancy enough to be used for an important event (and even reused, if you choose!), they are completely disposable, and all at reasonable price. |