Easter Basket Fillers for FREE & $1 Under ( Updated and New Stuff Added)

Easter Basket Fillers for FREE & $1 Under
**Updated 3/26/12**

Its almost that time of year again, how many of you are putting away for the easter baskets? I am going to start this list of things you can get for free to really cheap for the kiddo's easter baskets. I do one for each of my grandchildren now, and the best thing I have done is get off the "easter candy themed items" unless I can get them for free.  Remember they dont have to cost a fortune - last year I stuffed 2 giant onces for about $2 each- all by planning ahead.
Hasbro Candy- Just 0.67 Cents with Coupon (Divide into baggies and tie w/ribbon)
FREE - Colorful Book of Alska ( apply now for delivery on time)
BOGO FRee Orbit or Eclipse Gum w/Printable Coupon
$15 off any $15 " The Limited Store" Coupon - Need to use by end of day 3/15/12
10 FREE Photo Prints ( Take some of your kids art work and suprise them in baskets- or let them tie ribbons to them to give to grandparents as a gift)

Easter Gift for the Parents, Inlaws, or Grandparents
this does not include shipping ,but to my area it was less than $10 so makes for a great high priced gift for a steal of a deal
Home Made Easter Egg Coloring Kit
( bethca got it all in your pantry- no need to buy all that premade stuff- save ya money hunny )
  • 3/4 C Hot Water
  • Few Drops of Food Coloring
  • 2 Table Spoons of White Vinager
Let the kids use white crayons to draw on eggs before dipping !

I will keep adding to this list, but so far this is alot of stuff for very little money - remember to start looking around the house for some baskets to use - You can grab some spring color spray paint and spruce them right up with some ribbon ! Recylce and Reuse to save money.

Get 42 Items FREE at Walmart
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