Nana's Italian Butter Cookie Recipe

Italian  Butter Cookie Recipe

I love to make these at the Holiday Time, so tonight I whipped up a fast batch of them. Easy to do.

2 Cups All Purpose Flour
1/2 cup cornstarch
1 Cup Real Butter ( not margarine for this)
1 1/4 Cups - Powder Sugar
2 Tsp. Vanilla Extract ( you can also use almond for an almond butter cookie)
2 eggs

In Mixer- Cream tighter Sugar and Butter till creamy. Then beat in eggs , one at a time. Then add in Flour and Cornstartch.

You will need a Pastry Bag and Large Star Tip. - Put cookie mix in your pastry bag and do a circular figure with star tip. Pipe onto lightly greased cookie sheets. I use parchment paper for best results.

You can sprinkle with colored sugar or holiday sprinkles before you bake them. I also drizzle a little poweder sugar and milk glaze over them with a small pipeing tip or you can use a fork.

Back at 375 degrees F for about 11-13 Minutes.
 Makes about 36 Cookies.