Awesome Witches Hat for Halloween
Halloween is almost here and I wanted to share some incredible Witches Hats that will dazzle your costume!!
They are truley glammed up and great queality. Meaning not those kind of cheap one time use. You can use this for many years to come.
Designed for adults, this witch hat can be teamed with a glittered dress, broom and leather gloves for a stunning look.Brand: Maker's Halloween Theme.
Three colors to select from , Orange, Purple or Black. Also a great price at only $39.90!
*100% Polyester,comfortable fabric,17.5 high and 18" wide so gives great detail to any costume.You can also hand wash and let air dry to store. This witch hat is perfect for your Halloween Costume or Party, and a perfect gift also stay in shape
en it comes time to decide what to wear for Halloween, nothing captures the spirit of the holiday quite like a classic witch costume. And because this outfit is easy to make, you can pull it together the day before the Halloween bash without spending much money. To avoid buying a new dress for a one-night event, our version works some magic on a black fabric laundry bag (hint, repurpose the one at the bottom of your closet) and transforms it into a little black dress in just a few snips. Hunt through your craft supplies bin for leftover ribbon to use for a belt and shoulder details, and the look is nearly complete. The costume really takes off when you pair the outfit with a homemade broomstick crafted from twigs collected in the backyard and a unique Witches Hat like the one featured here!
This truley is a perfect accessory to complete any witches costume.
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