Moms Over 45 #Review

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Ok ladies, let's talk how to age without aging !! I was sent this incredible set of products made special for women over 45 ! I know first hand the older I get the dryer my skin is getting, so I was thrilled to try these out.

The bundle includes 3 amazing 100% natural skin care products face and body and also the amazing natural supplement balance for women in menopause or perimenopause.
Over all I really loved all of them. It felt like I was treating myself to a spa day every day at home. The face cream was very thick and I used that at night, The body cream was fantastic all over without a greasy feel. And the balance supplement gave me a great balance of energy that I was missing. Over all great products in my opinion.

Products are vegan, cruelty FREE, paraben/sls/artificial scents FREE

You can grab yours Here and also check out all their wonderful products !

Moms Over 45 Package