How to get Cash Back after you Purchase Something and it goes on Sale !!!

Did you know that if you purchase something from a retailer and that item goes on sale, you can go back and get the difference in cash back? Well yes you can. I just did this with a vacum  I purchased for $79- then it went on sale 3 days later for $55- So I was able to take the receipt in
and get the difference back of $24 bucks.

How did I know so fast without an Ad ?
 I use the FREE Service of ShopSanity
1. Its FREE To use
2. Easy Sign up - 2 Clicks !
3. Recive email alerts such as price changes (notifies you when purchases you have made go on sale so you can contact the retailer about getting cash back)

You need to sign up and enter your last 10 purchases to activate this. But its worth it to do and everytime you mkae a purchase you enter it in.  Well worth the little time if you can get cash back when an item goes on sale, and we know how often this happens and we wonder agg why did we not just wait a few days.   CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP NOW !