39DollarGlasses.com is going to be giving away their BIGGEST exclusive coupon on Cyber Monday at 12:01 am- to all of their Face Book Fans that are signed up.
You will get it in email. You have to go over to their
facebook page HERE and like them and sign up for the Cyber Deal there prior to this date and time so go now.
I am not sure what the coupon is going to be but Im not going to miss out because they have glasses starting at a phenominally low price already, here is a copy below of the email I got after signing up.
Hi Nana, |  |
 | Thank you for signing up for our deal on Facebook! This is the biggest coupon 39DollarGlasses.com has ever offered and we're making it exclusively available to our loyal Facebook fans! We will send you the coupon code around 12:01 AM EST on Cyber Monday, but for now you can pick out the frames and lenses that you want and enter your prescription on our site . The coupon expires at 2:59 AM EST on Tuesday 11/29. Please make sure you have submitted all orders prior to the coupon's expiration.