Lets Say Thank you CD Review

Lets Say Thank you CD Review

As a Mom who currently has a son serving in Afghanastan, as well as my Father who served in WWll . I was thrilled to be asked to review this. It carries an extremely touching message.

LETS SAY THANK YOU was written by Vince Delacruz, former bass player for Katrina and the Waves (Walking on Sunshine). The song thanks the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting the freedoms we hold dear. A portion of the sale of each song download or physical CD is being donated to The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund to benefit fallen heroes and their families. The song is available on most music download websites.

The 75th anniversary of the Korean War is upon us. This song formally thanks everyone who participated in all wars, including the Korean War

You can Purchase a Dowloand of this Song for only $1 here, and The Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund will receive a contribution from the proceeds of each sale of this song to help support the men and women of the Armed Forces and their families who have dedicated and given their lives so we could live, work and play in freedom. Spread the word about "Let's Say Thank You" and its message of gratitude. Your song downbload will be emailed after you have checked out of this shopping cart

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