BeaTrix Doll's are new Hip Hop Doll's to Empower Girls !
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
BeaTrix Doll's are new Hip Hop Doll's to Empower Girls !
I received the"Ainsley" BeaTrix Doll for my honest review. The doll is very cute and I like that it not like the standard doll you see . It allows your little girl to use her creativity surrounded by music. Very good quality doll, with cure clothes. Mine did not come with the drums as I thought it would, but you can purchase the doll with instruments and stand also .But each doll has their own personality and each contribute to their band. They also have a CD of music that I received as well. Each doll also has their very own blog to follow - super cute ! I have always had a strong belief that we should let our children exspress themselves, and with todays music out there its always wise to guide them in the right directions. The BeaTrix Dolls in my opinion - do just that !
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