100 Wacky Things Game Review + Giveaway #WackyThingsGame

Just finished a family game night and playing  100 Wacky Things. Definitely a game for people that love to interact and laughter . The kids really liked this interactive hands on game and watching the grown ups get silly with them.

The concept of this game is, Players will do some ridiculous things while laughing uncontrollably at each other. The game has two types of cards: Always and Whenever. If you draw an Always Card, you will do the wacky thing on your card every time it’s your turn. A Whenever Card directs you to do what the card says whenever another player does something specific.

For families with children ages 7 &. Up - This game is available at Walmart and Online at: http://www.patchproducts.com/p/100-wacky-things

Ends 11/30/14 at 12:00 am/est
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