Swimtastic® Eye Candy Pro-X Swim - Fog-Resistant Goggles with UV-Protection + Free Bonus Ear Plugs

Disclosure: This blog may received products mentioned for no charge and/or accept compensation .Regardless, all reviews and opinions are my own. 

I recently received this set of  Swimtastic® Eye Candy Pro-X Swim Goggles really awesome swimming goggles. Now if you have ever used goggles before - you understand about them getting all fogged up and you have to keep removing them to un-fog them. These are Fog-Resistant with -UV Protection. 

We had a couple on the swim team test them out in the pools and they were really impressed with how comfortable the goggles were and that they did not fog up. And they also come with a FREE set of Bonus Ear Plugs.

They come in four vibrant colors - add a little fun to your swimwear collection, or get one to match every mood.Also includes a  Protective case to prevent scratches - just toss in your bag and go.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com.