Top 3 Reasons Why I shop at Aldi - Join our 4 week Series of how to entertain and cook - Dinner for 5 for only $25? Yes Yes !!

Top 3 Reasons Why I shop at Aldi and You Should Too ! 

Shopping for groceries and house hold items and doing it on a budget in this economy can be very hard. Today I want to talk about Aldi's and why I shop there ! 

 The next 4 weeks my blog assistant Sherry and I , are going to bring you the best of how to shop and cook for your family on a budget, host a dinner party for 5 on just $25 from Salad, Main Course, Sides and Desert - why spend money on frills? You can't eat them..... Join us here

#1 -  Lowest Prices
Aldi prices pretty much always beat other store prices. I can go into Aldi's and stock up an anything I need at low cost from dry goods, fresh produce, dairy , meats, frozen , toiletries and paper goods. And even find some really nice seasonal household things.

#2 Great Quality of Products
Aldi carries their very own brand of products.ALDI brands are made of the same, or even higher, quality than national brands. Plus, they’re backed by our Double Guarantee. So you can be sure you and your family will trust ALDI brands for delicious satisfaction 

#3 Double Money Back Guarantee
If you are unsatisfied with any product for any reason they will not only refund you your money but also replace the product! In all the years I have shopped at Aldi's I have only had to use it one time ! And with out question I brought the product back , they replaced it and refunded my money. Who else does that for you?? No other store that I know of !
A Few Helpful Tips when Shopping at Aldis

If you are new to Aldi  here are a couple of tips:
1) Take a quarter.  One of the ways Aldi cuts costs is by making you “pay” a quarter to use a cart. But you get that Quarter Back when you return the cart to the store. This helps cut down employee money of having to go to parking lots and retrieve carts + I love that there are no loose carts all over blocking parking spaces of accidentally run away carts into my car ! 
2) Take your own bags to pack up your groceries - they do not do this for you but if you forget you can buy bags for as little as a nickel. I just take my large reusable tote bags and line them in the cart then when checking out have cashier just pop them in. Walla bagged up and ready to go ! 
3) Bring cash or a debit card.  They do not take credit or checks. The do accept EBT if you need to use .

I also love the Aldi online Shopping List - this comes in super handy for me when I need to shop or send someone for me . I can see the weekly ad specials, create and print my shopping List. Keeps me on budget and saves me time ! 

Switching to ALDI-exclusive brands saves you up to 50%* over national brands on the things you buy the most.
 What could be easier?
*Based upon a price comparison of comparable products sold at leading national retail grocery stores.

Disclosure: This blog may received products mentioned for no charge and/or accept compensation Regardless, all reviews and opinions are my own.