Disclosure: This blog may received products mentioned for no charge for testing and review purposes only. All opinions are my own.
I was recently given the chance to try out a product called L-Glutathione, As someone who suffers from low energy and fatigue and lots of lower body muscle aches, I was pretty happy to try it. I noticed after a few days that I definitely had more energy as well as a decrease in my joint pain. The taste of it was not bad and tolerable and I got at least 5 hours honestly of feeling better. I think that longer you take it the better effects will be.
What is L-Glutathione, it is natures most powerful Antioxidant and Detoxifier and Supports Cells from Oxidative Stress! Advanced Glutathione Extra Strength is an intra-oral spray and the bio availability is immediate at the cellular level. Tastes great and has been proven by an independent clinical research firm to effectively increase intracellular levels of GSH by over 10% in only 7 hours.
Benefits include:
- Increase in Energy
- Increases Stamina and Endurance
- Lessens Muscle Fatigue and Exhaustion
- Improves Cardiovascular Function
- Reduces Lactic Acid
- Quickens Recovery Time,
- Strengthens the Immune System
- Protects Your Body From Injury
- Reduces Muscle Stress
- Decreases Inflammation
- Feeds Muscles
- Maintains Muscle Growth
- Noticeably Improves Athletic Performance
- Plus, if injury does occur, the increased glutathione levels, speed up the healing process.
For more information visit here.
*As with all dietary Supplements: *These Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. *This Product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.