Exotic Revolutionary #EyeMetix and #Solametix - youth preserving products. Now 25% Off W/ Free Shipping for #MothersDay

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When dealing with youth preserving products,
the delicate area of eye is often the first sign of aging.

About EyeMetixs

EyeMetixs, is a hydrating serum that refreshes the skin an reverses the effects of aging with our unique blend of ingredients designed to revitalize the skin around the eye area. The serum has a smooth non-greasy feel that when applied will begin the revitalizing process. EyeMetixs does not only target wrinkles, the volume filler components created with Hyaluronic acid addresses the first signs of aging.

Our advanced hydration technology allows the skin’s natural healing mechanisms to focus on repairing wrinkles and uneven skin tone, rather than concentrating on replacing dried out skin cells. EyeMetixs is revolutionary in combining the latest in technology with exotic ingredients proven over centuries. Gentle hydration rejuvenation erases fine lines and crow’s feet around the eyes For best results, apply daily. Perfect for anyone wanting a non-oily and effective anti-aging product.

The skin is softer, wrinkles and age spots are reduced or eliminated. Thanks to our hydration technology, our serums do the work s your body’s natural mechanisms don’t have to!

About SolaMetixs

Our advanced hydration technology allows the skin’s natural healing mechanisms to focus on repairing wrinkles and uneven skin tone, rather than concentrating on replacing dried out skin cells. Solametixs is revolutionary in combining the latest in technology with exotic ingredients proven over centuries. It repairs fine lines around the eyes and mouth while improving skin tone and softening the face, neck and chest. For best results, apply daily. Perfect for anyone wanting a non-oily and effective anti-aging product.

The moisturizing anti-aging cream has exceptional qualities to hydrate skin. Gentle hydration rejuvenation erases fine lines and crow’s feet around the eyes, softens even deep wrinkles near the mouth and forehead, improves and brightens skin tone and reduces redness and discoloration. Natural ingredients included in Traditional Chinese Medicine enhance the anti-aging formula. Skin blemishes in many people are lessened or disappear.

Solametixs is the result of a worldwide search for exotic ingredient systems with proven anti-aging and moisturizing performance. When these ingredients were formulated into Solametixs, the combination produced accelerated and noticeable results over other leading anti-aging products. The skin is softer, wrinkles and age spots are reduced or eliminated. Thanks to our hydration technology, our crème do the work s your body’s natural mechanisms don’t have to! Solametixs crèmes are so thin that you can apply your usual makeup right on top! They have just a hint of mint that fades quickly, so you can wear your favorite fragrance worry free!

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#PalmBeachPure #SoloMetixs #EyeMetixs #YouthPreserving #AntiAging #ILOVEMOM #HappyMothersDay