Renting textbooks can save you a lot of money, and is a far superior alternative to buying your books. You can rent your textbooks without the risk of your books becoming devalued by the end of the semester and of course, you can easily rent them online. Over 1 million customers rent textbooks from us at over 5,500 college campuses across the nation. Join the movement, pay less for your college books, and save your hard-earned money.
Never any membership fees- Campus Book Rental does NOT believe in gimmicky fees or confusing plans. Just rent the books you need when you need them for a low
Just look at a few of the Great Benefits from Renting VS Buying
- SAVE 40-90% off of bookstore prices
- FREE Shipping BOTH Ways ways
- You can Highlight in the Text Books
- Very Flexible Renting Periods - Rent when you NEED Them
- Largest Selection
- 21 Day Risk Free Return
- Check out all the FAQ's HERE
Also if you have Books Currently your not using - You can join the Rent Back Program and Make Money to Rent them out too through them. Every time your book gets rented - YOU get Paid , over and over again !!
RentBack is new initiative that allows students to rent the textbooks they own - to other students... which is awesome because it makes them 2-4x more money compared to what they'd make through buyback options! (selling their books back at the end of the semester) Isn't that awesome?!
I love that Campus Book Rentals donates to Operation Smile with each text book rented. .
The company also awards scholarships, and is actively philanthropic, currently contributing a portion of rental proceeds to Operation Smile.
Operation Smile and its more than 5,000 medical volunteers are working every day around the world to provide safe, effective and free cleft lip and cleft palate reconstructive surgery for children all over the world. We are an international medical humanitarian organization that works in over 60 countries that is dedicated to raising awareness of this life-threatening issue and providing lasting solutions.
Our free, life-changing surgeries take as little as 45 minutes, and can give a boy or girl with a facial deformity a lifetime of smiles. Plus, every child we heal creates a ripple effect on the child's family, community and country.
Our medical volunteers span six continents — surgeons, anesthesiologists, pediatricians, intensivists, nurses, speech therapists, nutritionists, dentists, child life specialists and so many more. They do far more than provide free surgery for these children; they provide comprehensive care to treat the whole child.
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