EASY Quick Stuffed Indian Fry Bread Recipe!

Making this Quick Stuffed Indian Fry Bread Recipe starts with my quick and easy
Magic Dough Recipe - Grab it here ! 


1- Magic Bread Dough ( recipe here)
Rolled out 10x15 rectangle. ROLL out on parchment paper - it will make your life easy transferring to cookie sheet - ask me how I know that !!

After you roll out, you will want to make strips along both sides leaving a nice center area. This is where you will place your cooked seasoned drained beef or chicken . Top with cheese of choice. Or for vegetarians a nice black bean mixture.

Then fold over your strips from side to side creating a bread and tuck your ends so nothing comes out.

Then transfer you parchment paper and braid right over to a cookie aheet - easy.

Brush the top with melted butter or gee and sprinkle a little Mexican seasoning in top .

Bake in center oven at 375 degrees for about 25-30 Minites . Sprinkle more cheese on the top for the last 5 minutes.

Remove from oven and slide off to serving platter. Top with shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, onions, Avacado, dollop of sour cream and fresh chopped cilantro..

Slice and enjoy ! For a great aide dish , why not include my Mexican Street Corn Elotes !!

Tip: you can create an ItalianIStuffed Bread, ir maybe aaphilly steak - possibilities are endless - just get in the kitchen and let your imagination take over !! Enjoy !

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